Not Just for Cars: Get to Know Our Garages

Our Garages are, of course, made to secure vehicles – from sedans to boats. Aside from being tough and easy to maintain, they are also versatile that they can also be used as private workshops, warehouses or even entertainment areas.
So if you need to add a spacious shelter in your property for whatever reason, don’t overlook our Garages section. They really are more than just for cars. In fact, we are giving you a rundown of their main features to give you an idea of what’s in it for you.
All our Garages are made of high-quality steel. The brand, colours and other details depend on the manufacturer. Among the most popular are the ones made of Zincalume and Colorbond. These are renowned brands of steel sheets manufactured by Bluescope Steel.
Zincalume is known for its superior coating that makes it resistant to corrosion. It is also the steel base used for Colorbond, which is painted using a special baking process, which is why the colour does not fade or chip easily.
Zincalume works well for industrial, minimalist and contemporary styles, among others. With Colorbond, you can choose colours to match your garden design.
Our Single Garage can easily accommodate even a family van, with room to spare.
Our Double and Triple Garages, on the other hand, can be more than just a place to park your vehicles in. They can be used for a combination of functions – workshop, crafts corner, storage, etc.
Hinged double barn doors are classic and practical. Opened outwards, it gives you much space to manoeuvre the car in and out. And if you will use it for other purposes, you will not need to open both doors all the time. Pedestrians and bikes, for instance, can easily access the garage using only one door.
Tilt doors also need space for the door to go up and above your head, but not as much as side-hinged ones, like the barn doors.
Roller doors are ideal if you have got a limited space in front of the garage. It only needs to roll up into a barrel when opened, so no swinging space for the door is needed.
Other Features
Manufacturers of our garages are confident of their products’ quality. They are all made of fine steel materials and engineered to last Australia’s harsh weather conditions.
Our garages have varying wind ratings. Choose the one that would work best for your location.
All these products also have multiple-year warranties issued by the manufacturer. They range from 10 to 30 years, depending on the model.
And if you would like a more basic shelter for your vehicle, you can also explore our selection of Carports. Choose from our assorted colours, roof styles and sizes.